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Product description

Qbic passive cradle developed for the Zebra MC3300 (with boot). It is designed for mounting in which the display of the device must be readable. The cradle comes with a 30 degree angle mount.

The cradle has a AMPS hole pattern to be able to mount the cradle to "B" and "C" componants of Ram Mount.

Frequently used Ram Mount componants:
C Size: RAM-202U (base on back of cradle) + RAM-201U (Arm)
B Size: RAM-B-202U (base on back of cradle) + RAM-B-201U (Arm)


Device CompatibilityZebra MC33xx
Options CompatibilityNone
PowerNon Powered
KeylockWithout Keylock
CategoryZebra MC33x Miscellaneous
Product codeQSC-MC33XX

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