20-pack of three-slot cradle releasing keys designed to mechanically unlock PS20 / PS30 from any locking cradles.
PS30 USB Programming Cable
PS20 / PS30 deployment starter kit includes a 20-pack of releasing keys (KT-MC18-CKEY-20), a five-pack of terminal reboot tools (KT-MC18-REBOOT-05), and a cradle...
Cradle cover removal tool designed to remove PS20 / PS30 three-slot cradle cover where hand space is limited.
Five-pack of reboot tools designed to reboot the terminal by connecting the tool to terminal and holding down the scan key for 10 seconds.
Five-pack of tempered glass screen protector for PS20.
Five-pack of tempered glass screen protector for PS30.
PS30 EAS tag rubber boot (100 pack)
Mount designed for shopping cart handles to accommodate a single PS2-/PS30-compatible device. Hands-free scanning will activate upon detection of the mounted device...
PS20 / PS30 Soft holster, allows to wear the device on the hip or crossbody. Includes belt clip and cross-body strap for either method.